Sunday, February 24, 2008


Yes I woke up at 6:45. I have no idea why but I wasn't even remotely tired anymore so I decided to go ahead and get up. This actually gave me plenty of time to plan out some healthy meals for the week and to get my grocery list ready.

I am only planning 3 dinners. Mat works some nights so usually 3 together is about what we manage. After I cook them I will let you know how they turn out.

Meal 1:
This is a Rachel Ray recipe I saw on tv.
Grilled Chicken Cutlet Parmigiana served with spinach and romaine salad and some whole wheat garlic bread

Meal 2:
Chili Mac from Cooking Light with some fruit
I already ran the recipe through the recipe builder and it estimates 6 points per serving if you have 6 servings. The points do not include extras such as cheese.

If you would like me to email you the PDF version from the recipe builder just let me know! According to the recipe builder this is also a Core recipe if that pertains to anyone.

Meal 3: Chicken Scarpiella
I found this recipe in my Family Circle this month. If you use the Al Fresco brand sausages this comes to 7 points per serving (4 servings total)

Picture from

I can't wait to try these out this week!

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